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Juan Marsé


Juan Marsé was born in 1933 in Barcelona.

Juan Marsé

He worked as an apprentice in a jeweler´s shop from 1946 to 1960. He began publishing his writings in the Insula magazine when he was fourteen. Describing himself as a “worker-writer”, he published his first novel, Encerrados con un solo juguete, in 1960. Along with his novel writing Marsé has written for films, advertisements, and magazines. He has been awarded the Biblioteca Breve prize in 1965 for Últimas tardes con Teresa (Last Evenings with Teresa), the Planeta Prize in 1978, the...


Juan Marsé Foto © Wikipedia

Juan Marsé



Juan Marsé

Zemřel „zlatník literatury“, Juan Marsé


V neděli 19. 7. zemřel ve věku 87 let Juan Marsé. Katalánský spisovatel patřil k velikánům světové literatury. V roce 2005 navštívil mezinárodní Festival spisovatelů Praha.
