Yang Lian: Reading at The Prague Writers' Festival
15. June 2009 12:02
Transcription of his poems
green leaves always forgottenwhen windows are toogreen
like every pebble roughly thrown by spring
hitting springitself
birds stillwearing arid skates of blue
though old dog eyes are tired out
no need to translate the riverbank’sslapping
the aesthetics of death incitethe swarming of the flowers
fields alone cantolerate the furious heart
fleeing still further Aprilsniffs out blood
in sunlight the wood crouches behind us
knowledgethat can’t be taken away ittakes away the dead
reciting a poem adeepened stillness
the other world is still thisworld darkness would say
a storyless person escapesinto a day
with a gesture of escaping from the day
a pastless person haspassed away
seagulls worked into an abstract book by the evening
locked in the isolation ward whoisn’t crazy
delusions morelike fragments than flesh
fragments of glass shatteringskeleton heard on the periphery
fragments of rottingtongue twilight washesaway, just washes away
rats squeal shrillsqueals as light stamps on itself
each day startled awake by eachday
with one black night apersonless story
still won’t come true told twice darknesswould say
each shower of rain makes you sit atyour end
rain rapping on the roof tinyanimal steps
move you motionlessly into the darkness
inmotionless weather you need others to sleep
to sleep is toleave the world of therainy season leaves
once darkness has passed through you like athoroughbred through the fire
hear inside you silverywhite stitches everywhere
stitching a worn-out windcheater offlesh
every shower falls only on this bareground
when you begin reading from your end apage of black explanation
unweariedly swaps someone else for nextday
forges an address thegraveyard street still muddier
finds fault with this hand beggarshuddle together in mutual hatred
making a city with nowhere toshelter from the rain
a flock of soaking crows collides insideyou
breeds different crimes with identical faces darknesswould say
but darkness didn't say athing between dark anddark
only this spring
kite’s bones hang in the treetops
bark shines loverspass kissing under the tree
pollen in the lungs beating lastyear's gong
a bright red clown alwaysmakes children run wild
greener and greener the teeth that chewlittle hands
old newspaper lawn handsover scissors of flame
so April seesthe river flow like a mirage
the current's forgotten colours seeus as mirages
once the dove's call is burned black allthe stars
are broken toys stuffed in a pitch-black floodgate
in darkness there's always a bodydrifting back to the place of no dreaming
even we fear onlyfear our own terror
darkness doesn't say a thing everywalker on the streets
starts muttering to himself
darkness islistening to the orange-red darkness of lipstick
a spring school always makes usignorant
memory wholives in it is a ghost
but sickness attenuates the look
when amirror’s worn on the face theocean digests a dead fish
being vomited is still endless chatter
darknesses are too many forlife ever to have got there
spring walks out of us onlythen is spring silent atlast
From Where The SeaStands Still
Translated from theChinese by Brian Holton, Bloodaxe Books, 1999