Radio Lyrics: I’ll whisper them in your ear
04. April 2008 22:13
Igor Pomerantsev
I’ll whisper them in your ear –
closer, closer still –
my radio secrets.
I know how to give voice to age, to dying
(though not death! The experience of death is not broadcast able!).
I also know how love howls
(I interviewed a dingo in the zoo).
Listen to the spices, herbs,
condiments I use in my radio kitchen.
Can you hear? Those are recordings of a man
made forty years apart.
Isn’t it obvious now
how to convey ageing?
And dying?
An old man is lying in the heat in the garden,
Beset by insects.
They are scavengers.
Who else should see a dying man down under the earth?
Add flamenco heel clicks to the buzz
and you get a dance on a coffin.
Why flamenco?
Because it’s –
all about love and death.
But don’t tell anyone!
Translated from the Russian by Frank Williams