Archives | Authors | Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood Canada    PWF 2008, 2000

Rossano B. Maniscalchi

Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa in 1939, and grew up in northern Quebec and Ontario. “Always vital, powerful, and magnetically readable”, she has published more than forty works of fiction, poetry, and critical essays. She studied at Victoria College in the University of Toronto and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English and minors in philosophy and French.

Atwood is among the most-honoured authors of fiction in recent history, as a winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the Prince of Asturias award for Literature, the Booker Prize and the Governor General's Award.

She is also an enviromental activist and has made observations about our relationships to animals in her works.

Margaret Atwood and her husband, novelist Graeme Gibson, live in Toronto.


The Edible Woman (1969)
Surfacing (1972)
Lady Oracle (1976)
Life Before Man (1979)
Bodily Harm (1981)
The Handmaid's Tale (1985, 1987 Arthur C. Clarke Award and 1985 Governor General's Award)
Cat's Eye (1988, 1989 Booker Prize)
The Robber Bride (1993)
Alias Grace (1996, 1996 Giller Prize)
The Blind Assassin (2000, 2000 Booker Prize)
Oryx and Crake (2003, 2003 Booker Prize and the 2003 Governor General's Award)
The Penelopiad (2005)
The Year of the Flood (September 2009)

Short Fiction Collection

Dancing Girls (1977, St. Lawrence Award for Fiction, award of The Periodical Distributors of Canada for Short Fiction)
Murder in the Dark (1983)
Bluebeard's Egg (1983)
Wilderness Tips (1991)
Good Bones (1992)
Good Bones and Simple Murders (1994)
The Labrador Fiasco (1996)
The Tent (2006)
Moral Disorder (2006)

Poetry Collections

Double Persephone (1961)
The Circle Game (1964, 1966 Governor General's Award)
Expeditions (1965)
Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein (1966)
The Animals in That Country (1968)
The Journals of Susanna Moodie (1970)
Procedures for Underground (1970)
Power Politics (1971)
You Are Happy (1974)
Selected Poems (1976)
Two-Headed Poems (1978)
True Stories (1981)
Love Songs of a Terminator (1983)
Snake Poems (1983)
Interlunar (1984)
Selected Poems 1966-1984 (Canada)
Selected Poems II: 1976-1986 (USA)
Morning in the Burned House, McClelland & Stewart (1995)
Eating Fire: Selected Poems, 1965-1995 (UK,1998)
"You Begin." (1978)
The Door (2007)

Non – fiction

Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature (1972)
Days of the Rebels 1815-1840 (1977)
Second Words: Selected Critical Prose (1982)
Through the One-Way Mirror (1986)
Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature (1995)
Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing (2002)
Moving Targets: Writing with Intent, 1982-2004 (2004)
Writing with Intent: Essays, Reviews, Personal Prose--1983-2005 (2005)
Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth (2008)

Margaret Atwood

Apres-Breakfast with Canadian Author Margaret Atwood

02.08.2008 Articles

Margaret Atwood was quite pleased with her hat. After sitting down to a bright courtyard breakfast table at the Hotel Josef, she took her time putting it on, positioning the green, floppy brim and commenting on its superior packability.

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