Archives | Authors | Martin Amis
Martin Amis Great Britain PWF 1998

Martin Amis has been stirring up controversy and producing literature since the 1970s.
His work and his private life have both prompted media attention, from his string of love affairs to his ascension as one of England’s “greatest writers”. Amis has proved his skill as a fiction and non-fiction writer throughout his career, specifically with his masterpiece Money (1984) and his celebrated memoir, Experience (2000).
Martin Amis was born in 1949 in Oxford, England to author Kingsley Amis and Hilary Bardwell.
At the age of 24, Amis published his first novel, The Rachel Papers, which won the Somerset Maugham Award in 1974. The Rachel Papers was followed by his novels: Dead Babies (1975); Success (1977); Other People: A Mystery Story (1981); London Fields (1989); Time’s Arrow: Or the Nature of Offence (1991); The Information (1995); Night Train (1997), Yellow Dog (2003), House of Meetings (2006), The Pregnant Widow (2010), Lionel Asbo: State of England (2012).
Other publications include two collections of essays, The Moronic Inferno (1986) and Visiting Mrs. Nabokov (1993), as well as two collections of stories, Einstein’s Monsters (1987), a collection of stories about the nuclear age, and Heavy Water and Other Stories (1998). The newest novel is called Inside Story (2020).
Martin Amis is a retired professor of creative writing at the University of Manchester. The Times names him one of the 50 Greatest British Authors since 1945 in 2008.
Amis currently lives in New York.